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Community Partnerships

From working closely in partnership with Indigenous communities, Wellness Wheel has learned that relationships and consistency are key to developing and maintaining trust between visiting healthcare providers and Indigenous individuals, families, and communities. This team approach unites the western-trained medical team, individuals, families, and communities into the overall plan of care for health and wellness.

The success of Wellness Wheel has been a result of the strong commitment from Indigenous communities to lead and support this initiative. It is through a collaborative approach with community Chiefs, leadership, and Elders that Wellness Wheel has been able to develop and implement culturally responsive and effective care to meet each community's specific needs and health priorities.

This approach has created better access to care, has improved relationships between visiting healthcare teams and local health teams, and has increased overall health and wellness. This community-driven approach allows for authentic community engagement that is instrumental in solidifying partnerships and establishing trusting relationships.

Peer Health Advocates

As part of a total wellness care plan, Wellness Wheel believes that including the voices of people with lived experience is critical to our patient's overall health and well-being. When possible and when requested, Wellness Wheel facilitates access to Peer Health Advocates who have similar lived experiences as our patients.

The Peer Health Advocates then work with individuals to support them on their healing journey. We believe this provides a bridge for our patients between them and the western health system. In addition, it offers a unique perspective that considers both the cultural and medical aspects of treatment, while supporting patient expectations. Wellness Wheel actively supports involving people with lived experience as experts within the care team.

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